WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

What in the world has happened to the world?

Oh man, this is great. I just checked my significant other's profile, the profile that he absolutely adores. Well, when we first started going out, my pictures were plastered all over his profile and now, well, my pictures are no longer on his profile- he updated it today by the way. This makes me..hmm, furious?! Mad?! Angry?! Like honestly, I don't understand what the fuck his problem is. I just called him and I mentioned exactly in these words. "so I was just checking face-book and I love how you removed all of my pics." He response was, "yeah, um, well there is a reason for that." I said I had to go and quickly hung up. There is so much a person can take, so much, when so little is left. My patience is running...Very far.


  • At 6:17 p.m., Blogger Ram said…

    Ouch ! Ups ans downs, smile and frowns. Don't worry sexy.. things will get better.. There's always an UP after a DOWN !!


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