WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Blog it

I asked Hana for some help on what to write about in my blog today, she choose 4 topics, I choose 2 to write about:

1. gay rights: I don't have a say in this topic because I'm not gay and I don't wish to discriminate. What I do believe though is that everyone has equal opportunities to embrace their sexualty. This may however open up a gateway for those with sexual fetishes to protest for equal rights as well. Watch it happen :)

2.marriage: Where am I to make a comment about this topic? Extremely sensitive topic since I don't know what will happen in the future and I don't want to make myself look stupid. Hey, if one would like to get married, I'm all for it, go do it if it'll make you happy. But the advice to make a marriage last coming from a 20 year old is that as you change throughout your life, be sure to change together...in the same direction. If you follow 3 golden rules as you change towards the same path is to be honest, communicate, and compromise. Something in which I'm lacking completely but I'm working on it.


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