WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Exercise your body, look, and mind

Okay, I'm not one to "enjoy" or "love" exercising. I don't understand how some people enjoy having difficulties breathing, at the same time be sweating, and just feeling exhausted. You run for 10 minutes and lose 100 calories --> think about that next time you take a bite out of a chocolate bar. If it's really worth it...Then get ready to work it!

Why don't I have a camera?! I really would like a camera. I think a camera is the most important device. Some people are undeserving of a camera though. A camera is to capture beauty and if I do not have one, then how is anyone else worthy of having one? It's okay though, hopefully one day, I, just like others will be able to afford to have a camera...But I would really like it now!

I hate writing essays when I don't find the topic intriguing. They expect you to take a position. What if I do not want to take a position. Then what? What if I find the topic absolutely retarded? The thing that really bothers me is when I'm not given an option. I do not enjoy being forced into anything. Of course there is an option though, I either do it...Or choose to fail.


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