WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Hi, School, I'm high.

So Vanessa (best friend) gave me a call and told me some interesting news. She said Mazdak is still in highschool! Someone viewed Mazdak's video on our site (www.screwtheworld.com) and insisted he went to his school. Vanessa tried to reassure him, saying maybe its someone that looks like him...but no! It's actually MAZDAK! So of course being who she is...she asked for hardcore evidence. This guy is going to send pictures of Mazdak...lol, caught in action! All this time Mazdak was telling me he is an honour student at his university. Ummm...I don't know about that Mazdak, what an idiot. So I confronted him obviously. He sent me an e-mail to show me his acceptance letter into university. Firstly, its date April 25th. Secondly, It's not from what he said that he's studying "criminology'...its from the "acting department". And then Mazdak tells me, the reason why he goes to high school now is because he changed his mind into engineering. From what I know...he's not taking any science courses. So then he says that he's confused and was going to tell me everything once he became more comfortable with me. Psh, there goes his chance now. Liars don't get my respect...and Mazdak seriously lost mine.


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