WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Not sure I understand this role I've been given

So its over, finished, completed.

It was the bittersweet ending of our month and a half relationship.
His last words were, " You haven't kept a relationship long enough."
my last response was, "It wasn't worthy of my time for it to be kept, as this one isn't"
I hung up on him and didn't feel a tad bit of guilt. Nothing. Emptiness. He didn't take away any emptiness within me except certain times to give me sexual pleasure. That was his way of making me "whole". This allows me to grow ofcourse, and realize how such a man was such a boy.
that's what I need
a man
a man
a man
no room for boys: just men

I won't play immature games either. He isn't worthy of any games.

someone who can:

surprise me
hold me
be honest
love me
understand me
make love to me
not think of me for today's satisfactions, but for tomorrow's investments

I absolutely think low of those who always find flaws to end a relationship. I don't want an argument to have someone reconsider what we are doing together. It takes a lot for 2 to stay together. It takes a woman, like myself, and a man. MAN !


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