WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Case of the EX

Hi Lina,
I just thought I would write you an email for the reason that something has to be clarified. I don't think you are a loser, I never have and I never will. The term "loser" was meant merely as a joke, it wasn't said in a literal manner. Seeing you the other night was overwhelming. For the past year I buried the feelings I have for you, and seeing you, as much as I resisted, brought them out. Things are looking bright in regards to my life, and future. Hopefully, one-day, I can share it with you. If not, then you're happiness is my happiness. If you are with someone else, I totally respect that, and I will not ask anything of you. Lina, you asked me what I thought of you. Well, the answer can only be that I think you are the most precious person I have met. You are so fragile and articulate, and that's what I makes me "fuzzy" when thinking of u. Take Care Lina... And just for reasons of pride, don't respond to this e-mail or mention it.

Take Care


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