WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Who decided for Saturday to be in the weekend?

Saturday is so cool! If I could be any day of the week, I'm defiantly be Saturday. My child's middle name could even be Saturday, that's how much I love Saturday! I get to sleep in, relax, and still look forward to another great day! Sunday! I woke up in the morning really anticipating to get a job." Today, I said, will be a great day!" I then remembered I had a facial appointment with my significant other. Fuck. I quickly ran out of bed to prepare for Saturday. The spa itself had won the Toronto best spa award. The facial was amazing ,however, the esthetician made me uncomfortable. She would continuously say, "OMG I am so jealous, you are so beautiful, I am not lesbian but I like beautiful girls, wow, your eyebrows are nice done, wow, your skin colour is very nice" By the time I got out there, my head couldn't fit through the door! (that's how big headed I got) Now I know how to get a great confidence booster. Just go get a facial. After the spa, my significant other and I went to Licks. He asked me what I wanted and I said "a grilled chicken salad". Nope. He ordered for me and got me a tropical delight salad. Whip cream with tangerine and lettuce and unions?!?!?!?! Let's not forget the nuts topping. It made me upset in a way that it wasn't like he was going to eat it. I think he just wanted to see how much influence he really had on me. After Licks I went home and decided to change. I promised him I would meet him a few hours later. At first, our evening plan was that we would go to a semi-formal. However, that didn't happen. I went over to his place and we enjoying each other for about 10 minutes when the phone rang. It was his father. Apparently he had forgotten a gift he had to give to his friend. So we got dressed and since he never introduced me to his parents, I left. He said he'd call me to tell me when to come back. I called my friend Ali, and he asked me to come over. I parked in his driveway and he came out. He was holding a joint so surely, it was a surprise trip to la la land. My significant other called me to tell me his parents were going to come home early. He didn't even say, okay lets go out or anything. Nothing! As if I went all that way to have him fuck me and me to make my 20 minutes journey back to my house. RRRRRRR!!! It's going to be fun to see how things will unfold because of this.


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