WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Here comes the Showdown, what goes around/comes around

Thursday was a new day.

The day started off pretty nasty when I went downstairs to say hi to my mom and found her left eye to be strangely red. I walked closer to her to realize that something was very wrong with her eye. Not being a medical doctor or in fact have any knowledge of optometry in my life, I arrived to a diagnosis I predicted that there was a burst of a blood vessel in her eye .Yes I was later found to have been correct when she went to the emergency to check it out. Afterwards, I met up briefly with Fares to wish him a happy birthday. I then met up with my significant other as we proceeded to the downtown core for a night of party-ing. We went to Paaeez (Hookah place) and had a few drinks. We couldn’t find parking so we parked on private property and stole the parking ticket the car behind of us got. We placed the parking ticket on our windshield (Yes, it was my idea!) As we proceeded back to the car, we noticed the car behind us got another ticket. We laughed. We didn’t end up getting a ticket and made the car behind us get 2! We went to this club called “Joe”. It was pretty fun after a whole lotta drinks. My significant other danced like Carlton (from Fresh Prince of Belair) and I just laughed because I saw everyone laughing at us, and it didn’t really bother me. If he happens to be a nerd, he’s my nerd and I love him. He introduced me to his university friends. One girl that my significant other introduced me to said in a drunken way, ‘Nice meeting you again”. Again?!!? I never saw her in my life. I thought my significant other was fucking around on me. So after hearing that, I replied, “Oh yes, you look very familiar, where was it that we met first?”
She said that we had met 2 weeks ago at a club. I had supposedly walked into the women’s washroom angrily and decided to vent to strangers. Surprisingly, I was discussing my uncomfortable night with my significant other and seeked her advice. The funny situation is that she didn’t know who my significant other was that I was venting about until I walked out of the washroom and my significant other recognized her (ironically they knew each other from school). The sad fact is that this is correct.
We left the club around 2am. Just before I got into my car, we stopped on Hana’s street (my car was parked in her driveway) and rocked my significant other’s van. Lots of room allowed maximum pleasure. It’s orgasmic just rewinding our love scenes in my day dreams. Just before saying goodnight my significant other turned to me and said, “Well Lina, I’m going to bed as soon as I get home, so we’ll talk tomorrow”. I took offence to that for a moment. It was obvious that I had a few drinks and him not wanting me to call him to say I got home safely made me upset. But that didn’t matter anyways, because I had plans. I wasn’t just about to end my night by going home. I called Mike, my ex boyfriend at 3 am and told him we were going to meet up. He didn’t believe me and told me to stop fucking around but I was about to show him how serious I was. We did meet up and I made him join me as I hot boxed in my car. We listened to “our” songs of “our’ times together. It brought back so many memories (Mike is my ex-boyfriend; we went out for 3 months last year) I dozed off a few times and would find that every time I opened my eyes, he would just be staring at me, playing with my hair. I didn’t want to do anything. It’s in moments like those that I show my strength and my love for someone. (Although I did cheat on Mike with one of my supply teachers in high school) I got irritated with his obsession over me, so I decided to go home. I got home and went to bed at 7:30 in the morning. He told me to call him when I get home safely. That’s called a man.


  • At 2:38 p.m., Blogger Ram said…

    I'm sooo jealous !!! I WANNA PLAY WITH YOUR HAIR !!! :P


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