WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

And she left him happily ever after...

He is the creepiest creature that I have stumbled upon

We've come to our final chapter to fans of the significant other dilemmas. It was short, kinda sweet as it ended. His story will not be told again. And people will always remain pondering. Atleast from my end. His manipulative personalities made me laugh inside. Sure, I played his game. Atleast I knew a game was being played. And ofcourse as most people would like to use my infamous quote, "The game is played better with two players". Now, the two players have reached game over. Game Over. I didn't have much in common with him. He tried too hard to be someone he wasn't. He was a poser in a sense. He was the same as a little school girl. The last time I spoke to him, he was taking shit about people he was nice to in person. I knew I couldn't spend another day with such a person. He was everything I was against. And how far was too far before I could stand up and say something back to him? He went too far, further away from shared morals by most people. I was willing to adjust my living styles however not change my life for him. It shall end in the ending. And now is the end. Farewell iL pRincIpE.


  • At 6:37 p.m., Blogger Ram said…

    A new better day shall rise upon you ! Welcome to the single life! Where everything is possible and nothing is impossible ;)


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