WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

FeeLs Like Ecstasy

What a hectic week.

I've been constantly busy this week, always doing something, here goes an outline on the events that occurred:

March 22.06 - Met this amazingly wonderful gentleman. Will refer to him as " Tracker". As soon as I looked at him, I was drawn, completely.

March 23. 06 - Went to Toronto

March 24. 06- Vanessa came to Toronto, caught up with good ol' times

March 25. 06 - Met up with Tracker at the Guvernment (club) danced the night away (for the exception of overdosing on a triple stack of 100% mdma pill. Yikes!)

March 26. 06 - Went back to Oshawa. Spent more time with Tracker and loved it!

March 27. 06 - Did a major load of school work and spent time with Mass

March 28. 06 - Went shopping in Toronto, and then spent the rest of the evening with Tracker

Some people might think that my attraction to Tracker is solemnly based on a physical level, however, I doubt this is the case. But who is to really know? I just know for the mean time, he is all I need and want. And if he continues to be this way, hmm, I just might put my pimpette tiara away.


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