WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Promise to say everything BUT the truth

I must say that if someone would like me to hate them alot, all one has to do is lie. Okay to lie about something big makes sense in a way although it's not acceptable, however, to lie about something small and meaningless makes everything that one says seem like absolutely bullshit. And then to make it all better, don't try to bring up my insecurities with trust. So this Brom character, happens to tell me before hand, perhaps on friday that he's going to Yorkdale (mall )on sunday with this girl. Okay big deal, how wonderful, like I give a fuck right. LOL. Because it was so stupid, I happened to remember it, and had a laugh or two about it. Like, is he trying to prove something? Anyhow, tuesday comes around and he calls me, so for small talk, I happen to ask him, so how was Yorkdale. But see the tricky thing is, I saw him on msn the whole entire day on sunday, as I signed in every few hours. So I knew that he hadn't have gone. But to my surprise, he said he did go. Oh really?? "What time was that?", I asked him, he replied "7 pm". LOL. This was just getting worse. 7 pm, on a sunday night, he went shopping in a mall where all the stores have been closed since 6pm. Oh okay, maybe he just liked to go to empty malls, no problem, so then I asked "did you buy anything?", at first he said "um no...nothing important" and after a few minutes that nothing important became into buying brand new pair of shoes. Oh wow, so he bought shoes now too at a closed mall, so then I asked, "Where did you buy them from?", he replied, "I don't remember, one of those stores" One of those stores? Surely, if your in Yorkdale and trying on shoes somewhere, and you bought them and also they gave you a bag in which the logo of the store is proudly displayed, are you that retarded that you don't know? Oh but he just had a short term memory loss, and it came to him after another minute. "I bought them from Transit" he said. Okay, first off, I don't understand why someone would buy shoes at Transit anyhow, it's the cheapest shoe store that is out there right now, secondly, it's well known, so how could you not know? I then asked a trick question, "What store was beside it?", "Umm....Urban Behaviour is around there somewhere", he replied. Yeah somewhere around the mall there is an Urban Behaviour eh. So I fully told him, you know your lying about this, the mall is not open after 6pm on sundays. No!!!! He was denying it, saying that mall in particular is open till way beyond 6 pm. Oh really? He even suggested I check their website. Umm, reverse psychology tricks being played on moi? I'm getting furious at this point, but still take his advice since he is not lying ofcourse! I went online, while he was on the phone, and just as I thought, the mall hours for sunday closing still stood at 6pm. I told him that, and he was so defensive, saying there had to be some mistake and suggested that I call the customer service. HE SUGGESTED FOR ME TO CALL CUSTOMER SERVICE. WHYYYYYYYY!?!?!? If your going to lie, why the fuck would you lie like that, and dig yourself a deeper grave? you know why? Maybe cause your a fucken idiot. So I told him, okay you know what, I this point, I'm losing all the respect that I had for you. I'm standing at zero. If infact I call and they tell me that they are open till after 7pm, then I'm a fool and I apologize 100 times, however, if that is not the case, then there will be no talking between us anymore. So anyhow, I had to call Yorkdale mall which is also long distance and wait for an customer service agent to reassure me that all stores must be closed at 6pm EACH AND EVERY SUNDAY.

Have a nice life lying. I'm sure that'll make you seem cooler...somehow...to someone...maybe not in this lifetime.


  • At 2:08 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    the guy sounds like a dumass, but what if he was trying to dig a whole, is anyone that dumb , would he not know that he was digging a whole so deep. Consider it.


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