WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Who, what, why?

So I spoke to Mazdak the other day and asked him to do a video conference, he said he couldn't webcam with me since he wasn't wearing a shirt and didn't trim his chest hair. What has society come to? Why are men feeling so uncomfortable that they have to "trim" their chest hair? He wasn't even comfortable enough to be seen with an un-trimmed chest. This is fucked. I say we bring back the 80's and just fucken let loose and feel comfortable in who we are.

Who would like to give me a life time membership for unlimited Brazilian waxes? Seriously, I would really feel comfortable knowing that I can go somewhere, lay down and have someone do the deed for me. This membership would be greatly enjoyed. Any offers?? Anyone?....No?

So I've recently heard that there is a group of woman who have sex with guys then have the guy (do a number 2) in a bag or container to wash hair with. These woman then take the guys shit and wash their hair in it!!! What has this world come to? Since when does someone get turned on with such a thing? The first thing I thought of when I heard of this was, "Where do these people get such sick fascinations from?"


  • At 10:59 p.m., Blogger Simon said…

    My guess at the moment: They probably tried golden showers and didn't find being pissed on at all titillating, and then decided to take the next logical step with regard to what bodily excretions to smother themselves with.


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