WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Few times I've been around that track/ so it's not gonna happen just like that!

My ex Mike called me last night, fed me bullshit again, well, this time I fed him bullshit too. If you expect me to believe it, then here, take it back, cause I'm going to give it to you. You say you love me? Then I'm going to die for you. Ha! That is another thing with guys, they think I'm 14 and anything they say will fit into my head and fall into place in my heart. We
ll, to that I personally take much offence and of course I'll listen, pretend I feel, but then again I don't give a fuck. So after our phone call, I guess he decided to e-mail me. Hm. I guess he would be used as a rebound? Yeah why not?

Here is the e-mail he sent me last night:

I hope the conversation tonight wasn't a joke, because it wasn't to me. I was hit hard by what you said, and it really sank in, more than I can take really. Babes, I'm not speaking bullshit, but I've felt that way since day one, from proposing to you that night after the wine at my house, to driving through the snowstorm, to sitting in the back of the subway. I remember all the small things we did, and I never felt more in love. You are right, I did lie to you last year about a few things. It wasn't to hurt you, it was because you made me feel like I had to be the best person alive, and I felt that way, but I wanted you to think I was that way. I don't want to make any empty promises, but all I can say is I will be that man I am supposed to be, and we can share a life that is beyond love. I will give everything that I have, to make you feel loved and taken care of. The "fuzziness" is 100X more than it was last year. Let's make something, let's make a life, let's be happy.



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