WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Okay here is my problem,

I'm so caught up worrying about how my future (like 40 years from now future) and how I'm going to miss being young, and hot, and have such a wonderful life. I'm so fascinated about how I'm going to view today in 40 years that I've forgotten about today. In that sense, I go out of my way to have the best and most thrilling experiences now, in which I don't think, I will hold significant or hold pride to in 40 years. How can I take pride in doing drugs, when those drugs may be the death of me. In that time, I might not even live to see myself in 40 years. A year ago, I got into that mentality. I got into the mentality that I will do as much as I can now so that when I look back, I don't feel as if I could have made it any better. I will look upon my life with no regrets to turn back and change things. Do I look back and hope that I could changed things right now? Well, in an essence, no. It was those errors that have allowed me to understand, to reason, to think as I do. Simply, I admit I've made countless amounts of mistakes and continue to. However, I don't consider them regrets. There are no regrets.


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