WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Night Scares and Mornin' Glory

Dreams suck sometimes. I was pondering yesterday on why I haven't had dreams recently. I then remembered! I haven't been sleeping much inorder to dream. Well, at least that's my perception. Anyhow, I decided to sleep a bit earlier, so I crashed at mid-night. To my surprise, I had a dream but it was extremely weird. I was driving my car, when I decided to find a parking space. And because there was no parking space, I parked in the middle of a busy street. So I went into this place, there was a man, and he had an extremely large dog. Like this dog was HUGE!! The man and the dog would have fights! The man told the dog to sit down so the dog smacked him in the throat!I was frightened of course, so I decided to get the fuck out of there, but the dog kept following me! So I look out the window to see a car being towed. I thought it was mine, so I ran outside and I was like, "No don't take my car, don't tow it, I don't have money, I'll have to strip in oder to pay you guys!" But I found out it wasn't my car after all. They had towed my car earlier, it was because others saw me park on the street so they also decided to park.

From all the research I did to gather the information of what precisely this dream means, I got to this conclusion.

Car signifies one's life. To park a car in the middle of the road on a busy street show a sign of "parking a habit" "parking a past" - hmm now that I think about it, it can reflect the fact that I quit the illegal substances, and people parking also could mean me being of example to my friends. For it getting towed, could possibly mean someone taking it away, and although I try to justify myself for wanting my habit back, the reasoning is not good enough. (While there is someone there to perhaps rescue me ) As for the large and scary dog, the definition that I've pulled together is " to dream of a wild dog portrays emotions and feelings in which we are afraid." And the wild dog hitting a man would very mean of me feeling emotions and feelings towards a man that I am afraid to feel.

Nicely presented. Lina gets an A.


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