WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

You're getting off my street.

I believe "Blogger" is have some difficulties. I published many posts however, it chose not to save. Here are some updates as of whats been happening so far;

I finalized everything with my ex aka insignificant other -> it was nice the way I ended it, ofcourse I called him told him a few things and hung up. The last conversation was about this lie he told. I confronted him and he was dumbfounded. Yeah. Bad Liars are not smart at all. he was like "what are you talking about?". Gee I wonder. I was talking about all the BULLSHIT he fed me, thinking I would believe him. Anyhow, my final words were, "You are a great man". Pshhh, he fucken wishes. Anyways, I dont want to waste my time writing about garbage such as himself. (He doesn't have any friends, btw) I just noticed how much LLL (low life loser) this guy is.

School is getting hectic, I'm just preparing myself for my midterms, studying begins tuesday morning.

I'm getting ready to move. Half my stuff is going to my new place in Oshawa (moving in with the sister) I'll be there from monday to friday. And my other items will be placed in Toronto (moving in with my brother) where I will be staying every weekend. This is great because I get two rooms and have a little of both worlds. I'm very happy of the way things unfolded.

Weight Management.

So I have a calendar, only dedicated to my wieght. Seems like I've lost 2 lbs so far this week, which is really not good but its alright. My daily food plan includes: 1.5 litres of carbonated water-a large salad- a fruit. I might put off weighing myself 4 times a day. I think I'll start weighing myself 3 times a week. I'll pick certain days. hmm, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sundays. Or if I weigh myself once a week, then it'll be better. But I think I'm be soooo curious within the week, I might even stop eating. lol.


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