WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Friday, February 24, 2006

FinaL DestinaTion : HoME

What a day. I got home from Cat's around 1 pm. Slept, ate food, and watched Springer. I woke to Mazdak's call. He told me a few secrets. He then asked me what I was doing and that we should get together
. So Mazdak drove to Oshawa to me. (All my friends come and see me very often and some idiot once said long distance relationships can't work) He came and we smoked. Yeah, just like every day, I lost a few more brain cells. We decided to watch a movie. Mazdak wanted to watch the "Pink Panther" but I wanted to watch "Final Destination 3". Of course I got my way. Mazdak wasn't comfortable with watching a scary movie. He said he would get too afraid. I never watched a horror flick high. I wanted it to be the night. We got our popcorn and nachos. Mazdak sprinkled so much seasoning on the popcorn! He also made a crazy design on the nachos. As if he was a chef and the nachos were his specialty dish. Its always fun watching a movie with Mazdak. We usually crack up so much jokes. We make the movie what it is. The whole experience within it self. At certain points however, Mazdak was so terrified that he held wrapped his arms around my arm. That movie was very retarded. Like I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or kill myself. On our drive back to my place, we smoked another joint and Mazdak was begging me not to go home because he was afraid of his surroundings (farm land) while driving. I made sure I locked my side of the door when I went home.


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