WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Monday, February 13, 2006

The show goes on

So I've semi settled into my new place. My room is a tad bit smaller than my old room. However the house is huge! There are four floors, lol. I had a nightmare last night even though my dream catcher was up. It was about Hana astrally projecting and always do stupid stuff when I couldn't see her.
My house is right across the street from my university which is really nice. I have decided to give my car to my brother since I won't be using it and the double parking garage is already taken! I'll just get on the go bus and go to Toronto if I need to get the car, I will just take it whenever I want.
I can slowly tell that I've been losing weight. It looks and feels nice.
I'm on that whole "avoid everyone" trip. I have one of those every year or so. I just completely go with avoiding everyone's calls and avoiding people when I see them. I am content right now, and I want to do what is best for me. Which is relax, study, and get high.


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