WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

It's my LiFe, Don'T You 4GeT

Breath in, Breath out.

Today was very strange. I've given up with my scale, and until I return it and get another one I promised I would cut down major! So now I'm down to water and 3 fruits a day. People have been commenting
g on my weight loss. It feels good, but its not good enough. Today included much smoking and studying. Everything is sooooooooo clear when I'm high! I don't care if anyone disapproves. In the end, it's my life, my destiny, my right. I'm getting Hana to help me pack on Saturday. I can't believe my room must be left behind so shortly. I have learnt a lot of new things from this place. I walked into this room with inspirations of being all I can be. I will leave knowing how to achieve more. I walked in as a teenager, I will walk out as a young woman. I went through my drug abuses, and sex phases in this room. In this room. I am learnt to be strong and answer or reflect of all doubts. Before I went to sleep, I prayed to have a very clear dream that may reflect on the current positioning of my life. I drifted away, I recalled 2 symbols in my dreams. I went through a car wash; Car Wash -- >To dream that you are going through a car wash, foretells that any troubles you are currently having will soon pass. The other symbol that was completely weird what that I was personalizing my room, from the outside of the house! So on the outside brick I was painting my room!Painting the brick and decorating! Here is the definition of that ;Painting as in decorating suggests we are making recognizable changes in the way we think and feel.

So what I got from my dream is that the troubles I'm currently facing will pass and I am changing my recognizable physical image(since I dreamt of decorating the outside, it refers to physical change) --> That does relate to my diet!!! I hope others can see the connections between my dreams and my present situations.


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