WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Giving it all Back

I've been pondering...Life is on the fast lane and things need to be slowed down. The more I look at other people, the more I want to make sure I don't think like them. Money hungry, power driven people who won't ever settle for simplicity. I am in debate with myself at times. I would love to take a year off and make a difference now. I don't want to finish up my school and then begin it because I know then I won't be able to and will have other responsibilities. My preference will be mostly one-on-one work. I'll be of assistance to those only in need and will not help companies that are just too cheap to hire people.

I enrolled in my summer courses. I guess I'll go to summer school and maybe that'll keep me somewhat busy. I am also ready to start a job again. Something stupid and simple. I don't want to fuck myself over too badly.

Well, almost finishing my 2nd year, which means I'm going on my 3rd, which means this university career is well on its way of ending soon. Just 2 more years to go! But the question lies...Then what am I going to do with my life?!


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