WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Mic-Ro *scoped*

Dreamt last night that I was holding a microphone. This is what it meant...

To see a microphone in your dream suggests that you need to make be
more assertive. Voice your opinions more strongly and make your views known.

I was having a conversation about the term "assertive" with Tracker last night. He told me that he wanted to be assertive half the time, which in this case, he wanted me to be more assertive. But I feel that he should be more assertive and now my own subconscious has turned against me. Okay but I am not used to enforcing myself upon someone else. I will try to be more assertive, but exactly how more assertive can I be??

I checked my horoscope today...How relevant it is to my life is unbelievable!
Here it is...

What you face is not as troublesome as what you fear. But past difficulties are making you apprehensive. That was then and this is now. And the "now" is looking much better, than it ever did. A positive new development will dispel your anxieties.


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