WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Around the WorLD

I am completely lost in sense of time. I have lost so much sleep over the past few days, it's been hectic, This is how the events unfolded to the best of my recollection.

Wednesday: Don't recall much, just did a lot of school work then went to Mass's where he made me watch his snake pray on two mice.

Thursday: Woke up extra early, 5am, to finish an essay. Smoked my first joint at 8:30 am. Hana came to Oshawa, we smoked then went to Mandarin with Mass and Mark. After we went back to Mass's and smoked out of the viporizer. Then we went home, where I wore my boots and we walked to Trackers, while smoking a nice joint. We came back to realize that Hana lost her stash. Before Hana went home and I went out to Rim Rock (club) my bro-in-law asked me if we were missing some pot. lol. Extremely high at this point, I didn't know whether I heard properly, he then repeated himself, saying "yeah, you heard me, you lost your pot", lol. I was so high I actually replied, "umm yeah actually" lol, where in response he said, "you want me to give it to you now?", the funny part was that in response, I said, "Um, hold on to it for now" LOL. I told him to hold on to my pot and give it to me later, Gosh its gonna be embarrassing to ask for it when I want to smoke it. I got so fucked out of my mind, I couldn't keep my eyes open. Drank so much at the club, bumped into many friends, but didn't get to chat much since I was pretty darn fucked.

Friday: Brother's wedding day. Woohooo. I woke up feeling absolutely exhausted. It was raining, it was pouring, so I took a cab home. Got home, had to change and look nice for the big day. And yada,yada, yada. The day was good, the food was good, the best was my fortune cookie, that read:

"You will see the great pyramids of Egypt."

So I came back home around 11pm, soooooo exhausted, I could sleep standing up. I then decided to go to sleep, because I was sincerely was having "lack of". I woke up around 12:30, when I then started talking to Tracker. He asked me if I would like to come over and watch a movie, so I said I'd be there in an hour. Around 2am, I was offered a brownie by dear Tracker. About an hour and a half later, I had difficulties standing up. I fell asleep, and before I knew it, I woke up to realize it's 3:30 pm. Saturday afternoon. Tracker and I had our time together before I went home for 6:00pm.


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