WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Broken Telephone

I am pissed. Why? Because dear Vanessa got this guy from Egypt to remodel our website. He sent over the rough layout and asked me what I think about it. Well, it looks horrible! All the tabs were on top, in freaken nursery colours! It was a layout in which I would annonce the birth of my child not use for my current website theme. So when I was asked what I think about it, I said well there could be some changes in the colours because I happen to be anal about it. Well supposedly this guy got all offensive and said that my comment was hurtful. Why? Because I used the term 'anal' and I guess it's inappropiate. I forgot I'm dealing with men, which are boys. Like how can a man take that to heart? I'm sorry but the colours are a little off...geez. Our layout is much better than the one he introduced anyways. It seems as though the more we try to make the layout better, it continues to get worse and worse!


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