WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pregnant EXes

One of the first things that will cross a woman's mind when her and her hubby break up is whether she may be pregnant or not. Hey, it's even happened to me! Not the pregnant part...the thinking part! Because the worst thing to have to do is call the guy and say, yeah by the way I'm pregnant . He would hate it, you would hate it. What I would hate most is the fact that I'm having the guy's kid. Now that would be devastating. I've slept with pretty hot guys that I wouldn't mind my kids looking like them, however, it's just the fact that it is going to be a bastard child that sucks. The poor thing didn't come from a loving home, it came from college boys and girls that wanted to fuck...yup hardcore.


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