WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Dear April

So the summer has arrived. What does this exactly mean?

Well for one, it means that I have absolutly nothing to do with my time other than to partying, do drugs and have my sex. Hmm, why must I place it in such a vivid format? Well because I can lie to others but when it comes down to it....this is what summer is all about for a hot 20 year old female. Well, it seems as though somehow I've found my way back into writing in my blog...yes well, I hope those who view it without me wanting them to view it, have stopped viewing it and those who view it and I still don't want to view it....well it leaves me no choice. If you really want to know that badly about my life...well here it is, I won't cover it up anymore. This is what I deserve...not you...but me...so hopefully you'll be in for a heck of a ride. These past few weeks have been absolutely crazy....so many events have occured that I don't know where to begin! Let's begin with the outmost latest event. Tracker went back to his hometown, which I happened to mapquest last night and it is far....so I'm not going for a visit...and since I'm not going for a visit...all sweet and lovely things must come to an end. Bye dear Tracker....you will always have a place...somewhere...in my..body. Okay, now that, that is over...let's move on to bigger and better things...oh wait...there is none. According to my calendar...I'm in my 'pms mode'. So let's discuss an important fact about life: secerts;

Why do people keep secrets? why? Is what we've done that bad? Is it worse than committing a murder than raping the dead body...unless that is your secret! But really, it seems as though I just don't give a fuck about secrets. Yes, I am a naughty bastard at times but hey why live in denial when you can live in full truth? I don't know exactly what is special about keeping stuff away from everyone else. I see life as something to be celebrated and shared. The only people one should keep secrets really from is family...because that could be trouble! Yes, you don't want you're family knowing how many sexual partners you've had and why you lost your virginity when you were only 14. Those things really don't need to be discussed.


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