WheN I FeeL - HoW I FeeL

My life in all its entirety placed here for your eyes to see.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Missing Kitties

My cat went missing on thursday night. That was all I needed, a missing fucken cat! I love Dancer (my cat's name) and she's like my baby, really. She is the smartest cat that I've ever known and will come to knowing because she is mine until death do us apart. So any men out there who are interested in me...I do have baggage. Anyhow, I had trouble sleeping both nights well more on friday night because I happened to get a fever as well. Every hour throughout the night I would wake up and look out the window to see where my cat could be. In my hell of a condition I made 70 flyers on saturday and distributed about 6 flyers to 6 houses before I felt like I was going to die. I would have loved to distribute all 70 but I needed to go and rest. So about 4 hours later, I got a phone call and Dancer was found! woohoo, that really cheered me up more than anything in a little while has. Went to pick her up, brought her home and gave her a bath and much love!


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